

We are international organization fighting with lamers. Members of our organization are located in dozens of countries around the world. On April 14, 2020, we began our victorious march over the world under the command of our great leader Khalif Erzhan and The Erzhanist Party of StopLamers.

Our resources:

Main channel in Telegram - here we publish important news about the great victories of our organization. Also you can join our chat, link is in the description of the Telegram channel

Molodoy Admin - a personal blog of StopLamers Elite Member, Molodoy Admin

StopLamers in Twitter - very rarely used

StopLamers in VK - our redirect page in russian social network VKontakte

Join StopLamers and earn money

StopLamers is always searching for motivated people to fight for the Truth and for the future of our world. If you want to join the StopLamers Military, contact our HR Service

StopLamers Life

Agents of the StopLamers Secret Service are located all over the world. We are constantly working together for the benefit of our future under the command of StopLamers Central Headquarters.